Chairman Cup Futsal Tournament – 2018
On 2-7-18, NVL Institute held 3rd annual Chairman Cup Futsal Tournament at Golden Future Stadium.
Dr. Htun Aung, Chairman of NVL Institute introduced opening speech and shared the spirit of sport competition. Then, he kicked the football to start futsal tournament.
Firstly, “Chairman Cup Team” and “NVL Family Team” played for building better relations between teams.
The lists of competitive teams are:
- Foxes,
- WaKanDa
- Rhinoceros
- Brotherhood
- Stable
Players tried hard without throwing good values out the window. The respective coaches, managers and team leader make well-prepared strategies, provide supervision and motivate positive attitude to players. The Principal, CEO, teachers and staff give best support to players.
After the tournament, Brotherhood FC became champions, WaKanDa FC got 1st runner-up and Stable FC stood at 3rd runner-up respectively.
Best fair player is Zin Lin Thant from Rhinoceros FC and best players are Thaw Zin Kaung Thant from Brotherhood FC and Kyaw Htet Lin from WaKanDa FC. The best glove player is Ahom Maine from Foxes FC.
Congratulations all players!!
We believe this tournament will create a good atmosphere and improve corporate social responsibility of students.